Bulk SMS for Banking, Credit/Debit Card, Finances and Credit Society
- For payment transfer information, authentication and control access
- For new or changed conditions, statement, loan application alert
- No due and late payment reminder or credit limit alert
- To send an automated message whenever a card is used
- For balance check, fraud and transaction alerts information
Use Bulk SMS for Banking, Credit/Debit Cards, Finance and Credit Societies. 91 Bulksms is a leading company in the field of Bulk SMS service the many years. The company has strengthened its presence in the market and its customers are providing India services to Banks. 91Bulksms.com provides a variety of SMS services and other text messaging solutions and Bulk SMS Focuses on messages gateway integration. Your Business Partner for Bulk SMS India Hub provides banking and finance bulk SMS to send alert SMS to your customers. We comply with all TRAI rules. We provide the OTP Route with the HTTP API, with a unique sender ID that is available everywhere 24 x 7. Bulk SMS for Banking, Credit/Debit Card, Finances and Credit Society
Bulk SMS for Banking, Finance, Credit Society and Credit or Debit card
Now a day’s most companies are very interested in text messaging service for customer interaction and internal communication. Text messaging is used to inform customers regarding their financial and banking transactions, account status information. 91 Bulksms Bring a range of banking and financial services directly to customers’ mobiles through and start sending SMS using the bulk SMS service platform. Keep customers informed by sending all sorts of account information, such as deposits and withdrawals. Are your customers happy or unhappy? Answer your question by sending instant SMS alerts to your account balance using SMS 2-way communication platform. Get instant customer feedback and experience by sending a text messages.

ATM Transactions and Text Message alerts for online and mobile Banking Services
Make your system more secure by using security codes or two-step verification codes via SMS for logins and transactions, automatic text alerts for network-related issues, payment / loan pending reminders, Use extensively credit / debit card related reminders. They also buy commercialism and advertising as a major source of change for them. For advertising, they also use bulk SMS for print ads, television commercials, internet, telephone and more recently to alert and inform their transactions. This has become a great tool that can revolutionize the flow and simplicity of various banking systems. With it, banks can send their respective SMS alerts to their customers regarding their personal accounts, new news, access to customer services and more. They can do this unlimited and beyond boundaries. Bulk SMS can also message to customers abroad, with India in bulk sms for Banking.
Bulk SMS India sells cheaply so it can be used more widely. You can monitor your account with reports sent by SMS and also view the history of messages you send. At what time you can schedule, you want your message sent. The Bulk SMS site has made it user-friendly for their customers to do freely. You can send your messaging from the website to SMS. Messaging or messaging you can manage is like composing an advertisement or message that you send and then sending it to the directory of your client’s contact or SMS number. There is also an open source SMS gateway that a company like banks can operate. Open source SMS gateways are downloadable that banks can use for bulk SMS messaging. For any business establishment, equipment and creativity are keys. Exposing yourself to technology can help you and your business succeed. These banks are entering a new era of mobile technology. The latest to adopt is SMS technology that has increased customer satisfaction. The drastic change in the banking industry has really benefited both the financial sector and its customers. It has really grown not only globally, but nationally and locally.