Bulk SMS for Shopping Center, Mall, and Retail Shop

- For rental deadline reminder, maintenance and emergency work notification
- For sale or lease instruction on retail premises
- To update any ongoing sales / permanent members / permanent customers
- Members' Day for sale / special offer or promotion notification.


Bulk SMS for Shopping Center, Mall, and Retail Shop using the Bulk SMS services for brand promotion, new revenue, discount special offer announcement, special festive rate card, updates on new launches, product details. Retailers consider SMS marketing the best tool for marketing campaigns. They feel that when sending a text message, they can communicate directly with their customers. The governing factor these days is being too busy with customers. Retailers need to be more alert, updated and up-to-date when marketing their product. 91 Bulksms is a leading company in the field of bulk SMS. Mobile marketing through SMS is widely used in retail to keep in touch with customers. That’s why SMS messages can be used to promote events for outlets, eCommerce, shopping centers, retail shops and more, and it’s easy to set up SMS marketing to inform customers of promotions, product launches, news, etc., and retail price newsletters. Text Messages costs a lot less significantly than printed content, magazine or radio ads.

Send SMS to Customers of Shopping Center, Malls and Retail Shop

Create new contacts by creating a direct, effective contact channel via SMS, with news, useful information, special opening hours or new product launches to your contacts. Customers can provide information about a product or service they are interested in. If a customer is looking for a certain product, ask for their mobile number. When a product comes into stock, you can simply text it to let the customer know. You can let them know when a product is shipped or when there is a delivery delay. Or text those to let them know your store’s opening time, and yes you can also send messages to confirm your online purchase. You can also use bulk sms by simply collecting a mobile phone number by publishing on all promotional materials (signage, brochures, posters, leaflets, websites, etc.). If you have a website, add a registration form where users can enter their mobile number.

Shopping-Mall-SMSMost Indian shopping has seen a new trend. From buying accessories to everything from vegetables and fruits, jewelry, clothing and home decor to accessories to beauty and health care products, everything has changed a lot. In the context of Indian buying history, there has been a total revolution in terms of purchasing practices, consumer behavior, brand consciousness, product awareness and many others. And the root cause of all this change is the birth of modern retailing. Huge malls, multiplexes, hyper and supermarkets, retail outlets, multi-brand outlets, traditional and departmental stores have given the retail sector a new dimension in India. Meanwhile, retailers are exploring new ways to grow their sales and business. Many of the marketing strategies that retailers are adopting these days are like understanding consumer demand, adapting to smart technology. To build long-term relationships and trust among its customers, retailers are increasingly using Bulk SMS marketing services to bring customers back to their stores.

Creating a loyalty program through Bulk SMS service is a great way for customers to come to the stores regularly. Join new customers and keep them up by sending attractive offers to existing customers, encouraging them to sign up for membership programs, and alerting them when their favorite brand introduces new products. Stay with them, so they can be with you, the bulk SMS platform can help. You can also send compelling media personal messages in 20+ regional languages ​​if big sales are coming or old stock needs emptying. You can speed up mobile landing pages on the 91 Bulksms platform to advance time-sensitive special offers to your marketing and creative teams. Empower your franchisees by sharing new product demonstrations, sales pitches, performance reports and brand guidelines using SMS connections.